Allgemein, Book Tags

Get To Know The Fantasy Reader Tag

Hey there, my lovelies! =)

It feels like it’s been ages I last did a tag on my blog so I thought it would be fun to post another one and to try to catch up to all the tags I was tagged for. I finally reached February 2021! *lol* You can say what you want about me being a snail when it comes to doing tags but I’m definitely a persistent one. ;-P This said, I want to thank Hundreds & Thousands of Books for thinking of me and tagging me for this! I’m late but I’m doing it! XD


  • Make sure you give credit to the original creators of this tag – this tag was originally created by Bree Hill.
  • If you want to, pingback to the post you first saw this tag
  • Have fun!

The Questions:

What is your fantasy origin story? (The first fantasy you read)

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Believe it or not but it’s actually HP. I picked up the first book when I was 11 and then read the entire series over the years. When I was 19 I read the last book . I know the author is persona non grata in the bookish world now, but I grew up with HP and it will always be a part of me no matter what the author does/says. I don’t agree with anything she said but I also can’t erase 9 years of my adolescence/youth and I think a lot of people that are also part of the LGBTQAI+ community and loved/love HP will agree with me. Okay, sorry that this got so political but I kinda feel like nowadays everyone expects you to dislike the HP books because of what the author said and I just can’t dislike the books for what the author says. I keep them both seperate.

If you could be the hero/heroine in a fantasy novel, who would be the author and what’s one trope you’d insist be in the story?

As a faerie I’d totally love to be in a Holly Black or Cassandra Clare book. XD And as for the trope I’d insist on… It are actually two: 1.) found family & 2.) enemies-to-lovers! Ohh I’d love to be in a book like that. *lol*

What is a fantasy series you’ve read this year, that you want more people to read?

Uff, that one is tough because I really didn’t read all too many books this year. Not just not a lot of fantasy books but books in general. I guess I’ll just go with a fantasy series I read in 2021 here because that answer makes more sense. Melissa Marr’s „Wicked Lovely“ series is definitely a series that should be read by more people because it are cruel and cunning faeries and I just love those books. They started my love for faeries years ago and I lost count of how often I reread this series already. XD

What is your favourite fantasy subgenre? 

I’m such a sucker for high fantasy and urban fantasy and yes, occasionally even dark fantasy. Okay, I’m just a fantasy fan in general so it’s hard to choose just one subgenre and I’ll just go for those three. No apologies here! ;-P

What subgenre have you not read much from?

I definitely didn’t read a lot of grimdark fantasy and I want to pick up more books of that genre because it sounds intriguing. XD

Who is one of your auto-buy fantasy authors?
Uff there are so many I’d auto-buy but quite honestly I ususally borrow the books from my library. I like Jim Butcher, Scott Lynch, Patrick Rothfuss (if he’d finally release that third book!!! ARGH!!!) but also Sarah J. Maas, Cassandra Clare, Leigh Bardugo, etc.

How do you typically find fantasy recommendations? (Goodreads, Youtube, Podcasts, Instagram..)
A mixture of all of the above? I found so many fantasy books on goodreads and through the BookTube channels I follow and since I joined IG in December 2021 I’m getting lots of recs over there too. *lol* Seriously social media is horrible if you want to reduce your TBR. It only adds even more books to it. >_<

What is an upcoming fantasy release you’re excited for?

59826154. sy475 Okay, that’s maybe stretching it because the book already got out at the beginning of May but I’m still looking forward to read it so yeah! *lol* Seriously though, I wanted to read this ever since I knew this was going to be a thing, but I couldn’t get my hands on an ARC and so I just waited until it finally got out and once I have this book I’ll read the hell out of it. XD

What is one misconception about fantasy you would like to lay to rest?

I really don’t know if there are a lot of them and if there are I never really heard about them?! Do there exist some serious misconceptions? The only one I can think of is that everyone who reads fantasy must have read Brandon Sanderson as well. *lol* Up until now I’ve never read any of his books and I only just picked up my first Brandon Sanderson. So I guess there are still a lot of fantasy fans out there that haven’t read him yet.

If someone had never read a fantasy before and asked you to recommend the first 3 books that come to mind as places to start, what would those recommendations be?

I guess it always depends on the age of the reader but those three instantly come to mind:

  • The Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan (for young readers)
  • Throne of Glass Series by Sarah J. Maas (for people that like a little bit of romance in their fantasy books as well and lots of POVs)
  • Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (for those who love easy banter and a wild ride *lol*)

Who is the most recent fantasy reading content creator you came across that you’d like to shoutout?

Okay, this person is a BookTuber but I really love Johanna’s book recommendations! She reads a lot of fantasy and she gives amazing recs and is such a lovely and sweet person! =)

I’m tagging: 


This was a fun tag and it was nice to go for the topic of fantasy! I’m such a fantasy reader but I get a feeling I didn’t talk about a lot of fantasy books lately? So this was a refreshing change and I kinda feel like I should read more fantasy again. *lol* Thank you so much @Hundreds & Thousands of Booksfor tagging me for this.

So what about you? Do you agree with some of my answers? Which kind of books would you have chosen for the prompts? And what is your favourite fantasy book ever?

Talk to me and let me know!

And as always take care and stay healthy and safe! ❤



The Sassy Library Fox

10 Gedanken zu „Get To Know The Fantasy Reader Tag“

    1. You’re always welcome! 😉 Yeah, I only noticed that I’m reading in the genre of grimdark because one of my fellow BookTuber loves the genre and I was like: Oh wait, I read those books too. So they are grimdark? Interesting! *lol* I can see how „The Poppy War“ falls into that category. It definitely fits. I still haven’t read „The Fifth Season“, but I really want to get to it. It’s one of those books everyone seems to have read. XD


  1. Ahh I really need to read book of night as well🙈🙈 I loved holly black’s cruel prince series and this seems so good as well!! Hope we both love it! Adored reading your post💖💖

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    1. I read a couple of Holly Black books by now and so far I loved them all! She’s the queen of faeries for me. *lol* Fingers crossed we’ll enjoy „Book of Night“ too! XD And thank you! So glad you enjoyed reading it! If you want to do it too feel tagged! 😉

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  2. Oooh what a fun tag, thank you for tagging me! I loved reading your answers!

    I get you on the HP stuff. I hate JKR and everything she has come to stand for, but I also recognize that the HP community and franchise saved my life and so many other people’s lives as we were growing up. I am queer and have so many queer (including MANY of them being trans) loved ones who feel that they’re not „allowed“ to like HP anymore, despite secretly still enjoying it. It makes me sad and angry that people have started attacking folks who find the series meaningful instead of blaming JKR herself. I can understand cutting ties with it but I can’t understand attacking people who separate art from artist. Sorry to grumble in the comments here lol, just wanted you to know I get where you’re coming from!

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    1. You’re very welcome, Destiny! I hope you’ll enjoy doing it as much as I did! =)

      Also, thank you so much for writing your comment! It’s so good to hear I’m not the only one who feels that way. I totally get you on the not feeling „allowed“ to like HP anymore part because I started to feel guilty about it too. I’m part of the rainbow as well and even kinda fall under the spectrum that got wronged so people attacking me for still reading HP is… it feels weird on so many levels. Especially if they are LGBTQ+ alleys and then attack you for liking the books. >_< It adds an entirely new layer of discomfort to the situation. *sighs* Anyway! Sorry about that long answer comment but haha I guess we both get where the other is coming from! XD

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