Allgemein, Sassy Antics

SASSY Saturday

SASSY Saturday

Hey there my lovelies!

Welcome back to the eight round of my new montly blog meme „SASSY Saturday“!

How does it work? Well, that’s easy! 😉

All you have to do is to follow those three golden rules:

1. Credit the creator of this tag (The Sassy Library Fox) and link back. (so I can see all your amazing answers!)
2. Answer the 5 questions below!
3. AND enjoy doing the blog meme! 😛 

„SASSY Saturday“ is planned to be a monthly meme but if you want to do it more often feel free to go for it! This meme was created to get to know other bloggers, their new obsessions and to reflect on your own last month! Above all it was created to have fun though! 😉 If you want you can also use the banner I created! This said let’s head to the good part:

S – Series you loved this month

„Dash & Lily“! I’m so glad Netflix is still going strong because during this second lockdown I definitely need some series and movie distractions. *lol* This said „Dash & Lily“ was great! I loved that they got to know each other through a book and the back and forth between them was fun! XD I didn’t know this was based on a book but once I figured it out I did my research and found out that Rachel Cohn and David Levithan wrote this together. Considering the cuteness I’m not surprised. ;P I think I might give it a try when I’m in the mood for Christmas cheer. For now I can really recommend the series! It’s very sweet and gives you all those happy giddy feelings. =)

A – Author you discovered


Erin A. Craig! I’m currently reading „House of Salt and Sorrows“ and I think I’m on my way of becoming a huge Craig fan. The dark and gloomy atmosphere of this book is just amazing and I love the world building so far! I can’t believe this is actually her first book because damn this is great!! So yes, Erin A. Craig is THE new author I discovered last month! 😉

S – Song you couldn’t get enough of

Billie Eilish – when the party’s over

I know a lot of people say this and I’ll say it too: I love Billie Eilish and her songs! They are all so meaningful and her voice! Boy, this girl has such an amazing voice! ❤ „when the party’s over“ is a really beautiful song and you can’t help but hurt with her. I think we all made experiences like that and Billie manages to convey them in such a careful and gentle manner. I can really recommend to watch the video Billie Eilish carpool karaoke with James Corden! It’s amazing and captures Billie, her life, her songs and how she recorded them (in her own room btw!!!) so well!

S – Surprise – Something that totally caught you off guard

November was a very sad and tough month for Austria. We didn’t just go into another lockdown but we also grieved. On November 2nd terrorists attacked people in the first district of Vienna and our whole country was upset, angry, confused and twitchy. Still, no matter how hard the blow, despite all the restrictions and keeping our distance in times of Covid, we still managed to give each other strength and the solidarity of the people in my country was overwhemling. ❤ I’ve never been so proud to be Austrian and I loved that everyone was taking care of each other. So yes, the strong solidarity surprised me but it also gave me hope for the future and made me very proud. 😀

Y – Your fave blog post of another blogger

The BTS ‚BE‘ Book Tag + song commentary by Sabrina @ Notes From A Paper Plane Nomad

I love it when people create original tags and Sabrina’s original tags are some of the best! ❤ I recently did her „The School for Good and Evil“ book tag (which was a lot of fun) and this month she went for an original BTS ‚BE‘ Book Tag! Since I outed myself as a BTS fan by liking her TTT about them she tagged me for this one too and of course I’ll go for it! (I just don’t know when… sometimes it takes ages for me to get to certain tags because as you all know I’m a snail. *lol*) Anyway! I’ll definitely do this one and I hope you’ll give it a try too! Sabrina deserves all the love so if you’re a BTS fan too: What are you even waiting for?!! 😛

6 Years of Book Blogging: A look Back and Forward by Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books

This is a blog post in which Marie told us about her blogging journey and if you’re a fellow book bloggger you should definitely read it! 😀 Marie’s been blogging for six years and that’s no small feat! I’m very glad she’s still around to tell us the tale and I hope she’ll be around for the next 30 years! 😉


What do you think about „SASSY Saturday“? Would you like to join the fun? Did you discover a new series and what was your favourite song last month? Are you as much in need of happy movies as I am right now? How is your country doing during these trying times?

Talk to me and let me know! 😉



The Sassy Library Fox

8 Gedanken zu „SASSY Saturday“

  1. I keep hearing great things about House of Salt and Sorrows and it makes me even more excited to read it. I’m so sorry to hear of the attack but so glad that you could all come together in solidarity❤️ Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

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  2. Oh my gosh 😭😭💕💕 thank you so much for shouting out my tag!! And seriously no hurry to do the tag hahaha, I’m still behind on the LGBTQ+ one you made ages ago oops 😂 I love those Carpool Karaokes but I don’t think I’ve seen Billie’s yet, I’ll have to check it out!

    That’s wonderful to hear how Austrians came together after that horrific attack. From the worst of humanity can come the best ✨

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    1. You’re welcome, Sabrina! ❤ I really enjoy doing your original tags! They are great and always have interesting prompts! XD Haha! OMG! Yes, my LGBTQ+ tag! I think I created it in June? *lol* Better late than never, right? ;-P Billie's Carpool Karaoke is awesome! As is the one from BTS!!! *lol* I just love it! Jimin and J-Hope are such amazing dancers! ❤ I'm in awe of them!

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      1. Awwww thank you!!! Haha makes me feel like my effort is worthwhile 😂💜 I’m gonna try and do it before the end of this year because I’ve already thought of answers hahaha! Omg yes the BTS carpool karaoke is one of my fave interview videos they’ve done! Their dancing is incredible

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