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January Wrap-Up

Wrap Up

I can’t believe I’m typing this in February! Where did January go? The first month of the year passed by so quickly and if this is any indication of how 2022 is going to be then the year will be over in the blink of an eye. *lol* January… well January was actually a pretty tough month. Work-wise because Covid hit us full force and there were days I was basically the last person picking up the phone at work because all my co-workers were either ill, got Covid, or their family members had it and they had to be in quarantine.

I swear Omicron is spreading like nobody’s business over here and the goverment seems to be sick and tired of making rules almost no one wants to follow anymore. So I guess all we can do at this point is get vaccinated (which I did, thrice!) and hope that our immune system will be able to withstand the onslaught. This said I was knocked out for a couple of days as well because my kid got a mean stomach bug and after taking care of my kid for about a week I got it too. Fun times, I tell you. XD Is it just me or do all the other viruses get more aggressive as well? Anyway!

To add insult to injury I even had to pay attention to a healthy diet because apparently my gut isn’t working as it should. The joy of allergies, I tell you! *lol* So yeah, you can see my January was quite the interesting month. For some crazy reason I still managed to read which is a small wonder but I’ll take what I can get. XD And with this nice transition to books I’ll just jump right into my reading month! =)

Books read: 4 (4 books & 1 webcomic, Yes, you read right! A webcomic! And none other than the famous Chakho with BTS! ❤ )

Pages read: 1.961 (Page wise this was definitely a strong month. I feel like I cheated though because I read Now I Rise and Rule of Wolves mostly in December and only finished them in January.)

Average rating: 4,4 (Suanne’s book and Chakho made the difference! ;-P)

Books that were on my reading list: 0 (from 2019, 0 from 2020 and 0 from 2021. I’m so bad at following my TBR but hey, I finally finished another one of my 2019 books!)

January Reads:

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Now I Rise: 4 Pfoten

This was already book two in „The Conqueror’s Saga“ and I enjoyed it once again. I absolutely love the characters in this book because their character arcs are so well done. This is definitely a character driven series and I live and breathe for it. Lada and Radu are amazing and even the side characters are great as well! (I want to marry Nazira and Cyprian both. *lol*) Yes, I’m greedy but I don’t care! If you know them you know what I’m talking about. ;-P If you want to read my full review you can do it here!

Rule of Wolves: 4 Pfoten

I can’t believe it took me months to finish this book but I was in a massive reading slump last year and only got out of it 2 weeks before the year was over. This said once I got back in the swing of things I really had a lot of fun reading this. The „King of Scars“ duology might not have been as good as „Six of Crows“ but I still enjoyed it and I got a huge dose of Nikolai and Zoya so that alone made me a really happy camper. ;-P

A Small Hotel: 5 Pfoten

I think I already mentioned it about a gazillion times but I love Suanne’s books and writing style and this was no exception to the rule. This book! I mean… THIS BOOK!!! It broke me in all the best ways and it mended my heart, just to break it once again. This was… such a rollercoaster of feelings and I laughed and cried and was angry and happy for the characters. Ahh.. If you’ve never heard of Suanne Laqueur you should check out her books! I’m serious. Yes, now, go look her up! ❤

Girls of Paper and Fire: 4 Pfoten

This book was super interesting because we have actual demons in it and they look like animals so I was damn curious about how this would work out. (Understatement of the century. *lol*) I know for many people this didn’t work but for me it actually worked?! I have no idea why I only gave this four paws, but it was more some sort of gut feeling thing this time around. I loved the slow burn f/f ship and the plot was intriguing enough but it didn’t quite qualify for the fifth paw. If you know what I mean?! No? Well, okay let’s just move on. *lol*

Chakho 7 Fates: 5 Pfoten

I only read the prologue and the first 3 episodes but I’m so ready to read more of „Chakho“! This webcomic is right up my alley and this not only because it’s with BTS but because the story is damn intriguing! The mere idea of Beom and 7 boys who fight them is great and as it seems they all have their own background stories and baggage. I can’t wait to read the next episode!!! Give it to me!


How was your January? Did you read many books and if yes, which books did you read? Did you already read the books I read last month? And did you enjoy them? Do you read webcomics as well or am I the only one? *lol* How is the Covid situation in your country? Are there many people getting ill too? How is your government/country handling Omicron?

Talk to me and let me know! 😉

And as always take care and stay healthy and safe!



The Sassy Library Fox

8 Gedanken zu „January Wrap-Up“

  1. Glad to hear you enjoyed Girls of Paper and Fire! I’ve heard this has a pretty graphic animal death in one chapter and I just haven’t brought myself to read it because of that 😦 It’s sounds good though and the cover is GORGEOUSSSS!

    Gefällt 1 Person

    1. The graphic animal death is pretty much right at the beginning of the book. It’s a very short scene though and not drawn out for ages. I dunno if that helps but now you know what you’d get yourself into. XD The cover is really so pretty! I loved it from the moment I first saw it. ❤


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