Allgemein, Awards

The Liebster Award – Part III

Hey there, my lovelies!

It’s been a while I got nominated for this award but I’m finally getting to it now. *lol*  I swear, my snail tempo gets worse and worse. Maybe I’m even slower than a snail by now. Does anyone of you know an animal that’s even slower than a snail?! If yes, that’s what I am. 😂

This said let’s go for „The Liebster Award“! I was nominated by Elli @ AceReader and Anna @ Anna’s Book Nook! And I have absolutely no idea why I deserved to be nominated by two such amazing bloggers! So thank you two so much for nominating me and for thinking me worthy of the award!! ❤ Also if you don’t know Elli and Anna yet, please make sure to check out their blogs and to give them some love! 😉 They deserve it!

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and add a link to their blog
  • Answer the 11 questions given to you
  • Nominate 11 bloggers that you think deserve the award
  • Ask 11 innovative questions to the ones you have nominated
  • Remember to notify your nominees once you have uploaded your acknowledgement post

So without further ado let’s jump right into the questions! 🙂

Anna’s Questions:

1. What is your favorite series that you’ve read this year?

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I read so many great series this year but I guess I’ll just go with „The Folk of the Air“ here because I actually finished the series this year by reading book 2 and 3. And they were awesome! I’ll never get tired of Cardan and Jude! ❤ Those two are too amazing!

2. Which author have you read the most books by?

Haha! Oh Jeez! What a tough question! I think it’s either Cassandra Clare or Sarah J. Maas? I’m pretty sure Cassandra Clare wins with one book more or so though. XD

3. If you could trade places with one character and live their life, who would you choose?

I think I’d want to live Ronan Lynch’s life. He’s just so amazing and can dream things into existence and he has an „I don’t care attitude“ I simply adore. Also Adam Parrish would be my bf. So yep! That’s my answer. ;-P

4. Do you have an auto-buy author? Who?

Guess the answer here would be: Yes, I actually have more than just one! *lol* Cassandra Clare, Leigh Bardugo, Victoria Schwab and Maggie Stiefvater. I loved all of their books and I have yet to come across one I didn’t like.

5. If you could live in a fictional book world, which would you pick?

Either the classic which means I’d want to live in the wizarding world of Harry Potter or the Shadowhunter world. Both of them sound super intriguing and to be a wizard or shadowhunter would be amazing. I’m already a Faerie so I don’t have to wish for that. *LOL*

6. If Santa brought you the top 5 books on your list, what would they be?

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7. What is your favorite thing about the holiday season?

That I have both of two worlds. On the one hand I can spend time with my family and friends and have a great time with them and on the other hand I can curl up and read a good book while it’s cold outside. XD

8. Do you have a favorite holiday read?

Mhmm… not really. I mean I love to read HP in autumn and winter because it’s just the perfect time to read the series but other than that, nope?

9. Are you a real tree, a fake tree, or no tree person?

I love how I’m doing this tag in September! *lol* Judging by all those Christmassy questions I got nominated before Christmas. XD Anyway: I’m a real tree person, because of my kid. I want her to have a real tree even if it’s just a little one. Once she doesn’t believe in Santa (in Austria it’s actually the Christkind) anymore we’ll probably go for a fake tree or none at all.

10. What is your favorite book quote?

Just one?! Okay, if I only have to name one I’ll go with this one:

“Freely we serve,
Because we freely love,as in our will
To love or not;in this we stand or fall.”

John Milton, Paradise Lost

11. Your top 5 books of 2020?

Well, guess it’s official now. Anna tagged me for „The Liebster Award“ before Christmas. *lol* I’m ashamed I’m only doing this now! XD Give me a second while I think about what I read in 2020. ;-P Here I go:

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Elli’s Questions:

1. If you had to choose one author to write your life story, who would you choose?

Definitely Suanne Laqueur! Suanne is an amazing writer and she writes her characters so real that you think they are actual people. Yet at the same time all her stories have something magical and are very beautiful! ❤ Yep, Suanne!

2. What’s your go to comfort tv show?

I bet you would have never guessed that one so I’ll just write it here: „Yuri on Ice!“ *lool* I swear I love this anime so much! I even bought it on DVD so I could watch it whenever I feel like it. I just love this show so, so damn much and I must have watched it about a gazillion times already. Yuri and Victor are just everything! ❤  Their relationship is so wholesome and supportive and ahhhh!!! ❤ ❤ ❤

3. Pretties book cover of 2020 in your opinion?

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Legit one of the most intricate and beautiful book covers I ever saw! =)

4. Do you like watching reality TV?

Well, the answer to that would be „no“! I just can’t with all those reality TV people and the way they act. All the shouting and the constant conflict is giving me skin rash. Haha! I’m a very peace-loving person so reality TV just isn’t for me. XD

5. If you could live in just one bookish universe which one would it be?

I’m having a deja-vu! *lol* Didn’t I just answer a smiliar question above? Well, the same answer then. ;-P

6. What’s your favourite pizza topping?

At the risk of repeating myself, just one?! XD If I have to go with one I’ll say cheese! But I actually like a lot of toppings on my pizza, like spinach, onions, corn, garlic, aubergines, etc. Why are they all vegetarian though? *lol* I just noticed that.

7. Imagine you’re a writer! Which kind of book would you write? (e.g. genre, tropes, characters, etc)

I actually have an idea for a book but I’m still working on finding time to write it. >_< But it would play in the YA and LGBTQ+ genre and it would have the found family trope and definitely music as a trope as well. Plus it would deal with grief and loss. Jeez! I really need to write this book!

8. Is there a genre you want to read more of?

Yeah, I think I need to read more fantasy and sci-fi books. I haven’t read a lot of them lately and I kinda miss readin in those two genres. =)

9. What book trope/genre/random bookish thing do you want to become popular again?

Enemies-to-lovers. I think I haven’t read a decent one of those ever since I read „The Folk of the Air“ series. Why is there never enough of this trope? I mean there obviously are some books that are amazing but a lot of the books that are labeled as „enemies-to-lovers“ aren’t actually „enemies-to-lovers“. Do you get what I mean? Yoongi, you share braincells with me! I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. *lol* Also I really, really would want to see more of friends-to-lovers in books too! It happens so often in real life but is rarely represented in books. =)

10. Have you made reading plans for 2021 yet?

Yes, I once again wrote a TBR for 2021 and so far it’s actually going okay. I mean I won’t be able to read all the 40 books I put on there but I can manage half of them at least. =) I still have 4 months left. ;-P

11. If you read ARCs, has there ever been an ARC you’re super disappointed you didn’t receive a copy of?

Yes, actually there were a lot lately! For instance those three:

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My Nominees

As always you don’t have to do the award if you don’t want to! I just wanted to nominate you for it and show my appreciation for your blogs, amazing content and hard work! =)

My Questions for You:

  1. If you could be any book character which one would you like to be and why?
  2. A new favourite author you discovered in 2021?
  3. Are you a fan of k-dramas (or dramas in general) and if yes which one would you recommend?
  4. Is there an author you literally bought all books from?
  5. Todays TMI? *lol*
  6. What’s your favourite season and why?
  7. Do you prefer to drink tea, coffee or water?
  8. Which kind of tropes do you really dislike in books?
  9. Your top 5 books of 2021 so far?
  10. What is your favourite animal/creature from a book and why?
  11. Do you play an instrument and if yes, which one? =)


This was a lot of fun! A huge thanks to Anna and Elli for not only nominating me but also for coming up with all those amazing questions! I hope you enjoyed my answers and I’m looking forward to read yours! I’m sorry it took me so long to get to this Award but I finally did it! (Also it was a lot of fun to answer those Christmassy questions in September! Haha! ;-P)

Take care! And stay healthy and safe!



The Sassy Library Fox

17 Gedanken zu „The Liebster Award – Part III“

  1. Loved reading your answers! Thank you so much for going back for this tag 😂. I actually really enjoyed this burst of Christmas in September 💛. Also I agree that Chain of Gold is a stunning cover (and book)!

    Gefällt 1 Person

    1. Haha! You’re welcome! Thanks for tagging me! It took me ages to get to it but I eventually did. *lol* It was really fun to answer those Christmas questions in September. 😉 I think Cassandra Clare books always have super interesting and stunning covers. XD

      Gefällt 1 Person

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination V!! 😍💜 hehe I can’t wait to answer your Question 3! And yes our shared braincell hears you loud and clear. Funnily enough the last enemies-to-lovers book I read (well, DNF’ed) annoyed me so much with the romance 😂 the development was so bad. Is that book idea you mentioned the one we chatted about before?? If so I’m still dying to read it!! I’m getting all hyped again lol 😍

    Gefällt 1 Person

    1. You’re always welcome, Yoongi! ❤ And *lol* I thought so! Throw those recs my way! ;-P Haha! So glad our shared braincells work. Really? Which book was it? Now I'm curious. XD And yes, that's still the book idea I told you about. I really need to write that down on paper. *lol*


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