Allgemein, Sassy Antics

Hugs’n’kisses OR Dismissed by the Missus/Messrs

hugs'n'kisses or dismissed by the missus

Another month has passed and it’s once again time for my blog meme! (Probably more than ever because I’ve been a very bad girl and added way too many books to my TBR! I blame it all on my amazing fellow bloggers. 😛 )

So without further ado, let’s do this! *lol*

The rules:

1.) Link back to the original post @ The Sassy Library Fox (I really want to know if it works out for you and I’m curious about your book choices! ;-))

2.) Choose 3 random numbers from 1 to the end of your TBR list. (In my case it are 3 random numbers from 1 – 294, so for instance I’ll pick 73, 181 and 267)

3.) Take a look at the 3 books on your TBR. (73 – King, 181 – The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue, 267 – The Poppy War)

4.)  Then you follow the rhyme:

One to hug and read, (The Poppy War: This is number 8 on My Book List 2019 so I’d be damned if I wouldn’t use the chance to read it now! 😛 )

One to kiss and keep, (The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue: Three good reasons to keep it in my list: 1.) It’s not out yet! 2.) It’s V.E. Schwab!!! 3.) A love story between a girl and the devil?? How could I say no to this???)

One to dismiss and weep! (King: This seems to be a dark romance and I might keep it in the back of my mind and actually read it one day. For now I’ll scratch it from my list though.)

5.) Read the book you hugged and kept within a month and repeat the process as often and as frequently as you like. (I’ll do this once a month and hopefully it will help me to reduce my TBR ;-P)




The Sassy Library Fox

4 Gedanken zu „Hugs’n’kisses OR Dismissed by the Missus/Messrs“

  1. This sounds so fun!! I’ll have to give it a try some time! And the „one“ makes me think of a nursery rhyme for some reason lol xDD *hugs’n’kisses*

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