Allgemein, Awards

The Liebster Award – Part II

liebster award


  1. Acknowledge the blog that gave it to you and display the award
  2. Answer 11 questions that the blogger gives you
  3. Give 11 random facts about yourself
  4. Nominate 11 blogs and notify them of their nomination
  5. Give these blogs 11 questions to answer

First things first! I’ve been nominated for „The Liebster Award“ by Miri @ The Book Dragoness, Elli @ AceReaderBeck @ Smellfoy Can ReadEmma @ A Few Chapters ‚til Love and this is already Part II! In Part I, I answered Miri’s and Elli’s questions. Now it’s Beck’s and Emma’s turn! I still love you guys and once again thank you so much for the nomination! ❤ I feel very honored that you all thought of me and I’ll try my best to answer all those interesting questions! Also to everyone who’s reading this just now: Those four girls are amazing and their blogs have awesome content! So if you don’t know them already I can totally recommend their blogs! 🙂

Since this is already Part II I’m going to answer Beck’s and Emma’s questions now! Are you ready?


1. what was your first blog post about?

It was about starting my blog and I asked people to be patient with me because I needed to figure things out. So pretty lame, I guess. *lol*

2. if you had to become a disney villain for a day, who would you be?

Ohh, I love villains so that’s a pretty tough question. When it comes to Disney villains I think I’d like to go with Hades, though. I just love mythology and he’s such a funny villain. At least I think he is. xD

3. what is your favorite podcast to listen to?

I don’t have one which probably makes me so 2000 and late but what can I say?! If I listen to anything it’s music or simply the radio so there’s that. *feels like I lost about a 1.000 coolness points now*  *lol*

4. what Doctor Who creature do you identify with the most? (if you don’t watch Doctor Who just look it up and take a guess)

Creature? Wow…. all Dr. Who creatures I know are pretty scary. (e.g. Dream Crabs, The Silcence, The Boneless,…) so I’ll just go with something not scary like „The Adipose“. Haha! They look pretty cute and if you want to lose some weight they can be very helpful, plus they are harmless. XD

5. what is your favorite gif?

Because I’m such a soft marshmallow on the inside (don’t tell anyone I ever said that) & because I love Yuri and Victor! ❤

6. most paranormal experience?

I saw a ghost at one of my former companies and she walked right through me. *shudders* Definitely something I don’t have to experience again. *lol*

7. open your junk drawer (I know you have one) and grab a couple random items in the bottom of the drawer. Tell me what they are (incorrect answers only)

Hair clips, collectible figures, foreign currencies, …. Well, all the nice things you put into a junk drawer when you need to get them out of the way. 😛

8. which Spider-Man? Tobey, Andrew, or Tom? What about Spider-Verse characters?

I really liked Tobey when he was Spiderman but I think Andrew won me over. He managed to give Spiderman such a vulnerable and sweet side. One of my all-time favourite Spiderman scenes is when he comes back from the fight and still brings Aunt May her eggs. It’s such a moving and genuine scene. Ahhh I can’t even! ❤

9. what is your favorite meme? (don’t tell me, show me!)


Because they are both spot on and me in a nutshell! *lol*

10. did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?

Haha! Yes, about a thousand times. I’m such a Warsie! 😛

11. just go on a mini rant about anything.

A mini rant is so hard to write when you have nothing to rant about. *lol* I mean I could rant about the fact that I’ve been stuck at home for 5 weeks but then again who isn’t? If you want a proper rant from me you better read my next 2 paws review. *lol* 😛


  • What’s a book you love, but hate the cover of?

When I first read the „Shatter Me“ series I read the book with the cover above and I think it doesn’t fit the series! I dunno who decided to make a cover like that, but it’s horrible and completely at odds with the series. In the end I bought all three books with the beautiful covers for my book collection at home. (see down below)

13455782   13104080   13188676

They are a sight to behold! ❤

  • Most anticipated read of 2020?

„The Silvered Serpents“ by Roshani Chokshi! I even requested an ARC through NetGalley just to read it! And was declined! T_T (Sometimes it’s tough to be an international blogger… ) I just hope the book will get out in September like it was supposed to.

  • How do you take your coffee? (If you don’t drink coffee, how do you make your favourite drink?)

HA! That’s the right question for me! I’m such a coffee addict! I always joke that there is coffee running through my veins! *lol* And to answer your question: I only drink it with a little dash of milk and no sugar.

  • Do you lend out your books?

I do, but only to my besties. I’d lend them to my family too but they don’t love to read as much as I do and even more important they don’t read in English like I do. *lol*

  • Are reading / blogging slumps a problem for you?

Not really, but every once in a while I fall into one and then it’s pretty bad. The last time I got into a reading slump was at the beginning of March and I just couldn’t bring myself to read anything because I was so tired and exhausted all of the time. Well, and because of that I was in a blogging slump as well. XD I guess they always go hand in hand. The book that eventually got me out of it was „Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian“. *lol* Uncle Rick is the best! ❤

  • What is your favourite summer-time activity (that isn’t reading)?

Swimming. Unfortunately Austria is a landlocked country and we don’t have the sea. So it’s either the (public) swimming pool or a holiday at one of our many lakes. (And holidays in Austria are very expensive!) I wonder when I’ll be able to go on a holiday again… With Covid-19 it might take quite a while until I’ll be able to see the ocean again. 😦

  • What is your favourite winter-time activity (that isn’t reading)?

Hard to decide. I love skiing and ice skating but like I already mentioned above holidays in Austria are very expensive. Especially skiiing holidays. I can go ice skating anytime though. 🙂 So that’s something positive! (That is, of course, if anyone of my family and friends would be able to stay on their feet. *lol* The last time I was skating I went with my colleagues because they know how to skate! XD)

  • Cliffhangers; love ‘em or hate ‘em?

Oh, I think cliffhangers and I have a very intense love-hate relationship. 😛 I hate it when they appear but they make everything so much more interesting so I just gotta love them even though I hate them. Talk about feeling conflicted. Haha!

  • Do you have a favourite bookstagram account you follow?

Nope, actually not. I mean I know a few people that have one and I sometimes take a closer look at their bookstagram account but I don’t have one myself and therefore don’t follow anyone. Tbh I wanted to make an Instagram account but for some reason Instagram wouldn’t let me and I always got an error message. I tried it with my phone, I tried it from my computer, but no matter what I did, it didn’t accept my information. *shrugs* So yeah, after trying really hard to make an Instagram account I eventually decided that if it doesn’t want me, I won’t try anymore. >_<

  • What is a TV show you can’t get into, but that a good friend loves?

One of my besties loves „House of Cards“ and even though it sounds really good I still haven’t managed to watch it. Maybe it’s because I don’t like Kevin Spacey or because this series already has 6 seasons with a total of 73 episodes? I’m always hesitant before I start such a long series because just like with books I want to know how it ends… even if it’s not good. XD Did any of you watch it already? Is it worth the hype?

  • Do you keep your room tidy?

I keep my entire flat tidy. Or as tidy as it can be with a little rascal that loves to throw toys everywhere. *lol* By now she’s gotten better at putting them away again though so it’s not as bad as it used to. (I used to stumble over her toys when she was smaller because as a toddler she basically dropped them everywhere. XD) Ahh the infinite joys of child-rearing. 😛


(As promised here comes the other half! 😛 )

6.) I suck at jogging. Yes, really! Due to a knee and back injury I just can’t seem to be able to run. I know lots of people like to jog but I just can’t. Let me swim or dance or ride a bicycle, but don’t force me to run. *lol* I hold it like Elijah Wood in „The Faculty“: I don’t think that a person should run unless he’s being chased.“ 😛

7.) I don’t like clowns or dolls for that matter. They give me the creeps! I mean they are damn scary!! My sister used to collect those porcelain dolls (thankfully she had moved out by then and they were at her own home) and all I could think of was: Boy, am I glad that I don’t live in this house with dolls. *shudders* So yep, I guess you’ll NEVER EVER find me reading „It“. (I might get a heart attack just reading it. >_<)

8.) I always feel cold and therefore prefer hot/warm weather. My feel-good temperature starts at 25 degrees. 😉

9.) When it comes to choosing between McDonalds or Burger King it will always be Burger King. *lol*

10.) I’ve a cooking dimploma and thus am a trained chef. So I basically could start working at a restaurant if I’d want to. I love to cook for my family and friends but I don’t think I’d enjoy working as a chef though. XD

11.) I have 5 ear holes. 3 of them are piercings and 2 are your ordinary earring holes. What no one knows is that I did the ordinary earring holes myself. When I was four years old my aunts and I went to pierce them, but when I was seven they inflamed and I stopped wearing them which led to them becoming overgrown. So when I was a teen I finally figured out that I’m allergic to nickel and got myself silver earrings instead. Well, I’m sure you can imagine the rest. *lol* (No gory details here…) I did the other 3 piercings when I was 14 at a piercing studio though. So don’t worry! 😛


1.) Are you a coffee, tea or cocoa person?

2.) Early bird or really grumpy in the morning? (Always interesting to know! 😉 )

3.) What is the book genre you read the most? And why?

4.) The best book/movie related dream you ever had? (I want details. *lol*)

5.) Who is your favourite Disney princess or prince and why?

6.) What’s your favourite dish?

7.) A book (series) that’s totally unknown but you love it with all your heart? (Me, looking for a new favourite? Nope, never! XD)

8.) Do you have siblings?

9.) Do you or did you ever play a musical instrument? Which kind of musical instrument is/was it?

10.) Which kind of book character is the most like you?

11.) Your favourite quote! =)

And last but not least:


Celeste @ Novel Notions

Ashley @ Ashes Books & Bobs

Sabrina @ Notes From A Paper Plane Nomad

May @ my 1st chapter

Mandy @ Book Princess Reviews

Iris @ Hoard of Books

Emma @ Emma Reads

Nora Eliana @ Papertea & Bookflowers

Amy @ Sparks of Spirit

Laurel @ The Suspected Bibliophile

Kaya @ A Fictional Bookworm


And now we’ve finally reached the end! 😀 Wow, that was quite a long post but it was so much fun! I hope you had at least as much fun reading this as I had answering all of those interesting questions! XD

Once again a huge „THANK YOU“ to everyone who nominated me! ❤ I promise next time I’ll try to be faster with answering my tags. (Who am I kidding? I’m a S.N.A.I.L! *lol*) Anyway, I’m already looking forward to reading all of the nominees answers. I’m sure they’ll be interesting! 😀

This said: Take care and try to stay healthy and safe!



The Sassy Library Fox


22 Gedanken zu „The Liebster Award – Part II“

  1. I haven’t actually gotten to the Adipose episode yet (cause Amazon decided to make me pay now so I’m gonna have to wait until the library opens again :O) but I’ve seen them aND THEY ARE LITERAL MARSHMELLOWS OMJG
    ALSo Hades is aMAZINg
    Yeah I do feel like Andrew was more emotional (but the movies are lacking, in my opinion. Lacking what? Idk. They just are.) Tobey is definitely my fave SPIDER-MAN but I prefer the Tom Holland MOVIES. Does that make sense? (cause I really love Zendaya as MJ and I loooooveeee Mysterio)
    I DON’T LIKE CLOWNS OR DOLLS (overly realistic dolls- I can handle most dolls but the oLD CREEPY TOO REALISTIC ONES? hahahahha nope) BUT WAX FIGURES ARE THE WOOOOORRRRRSSSSSTTTTTTTT (and the Doctor Who episodes don’t help xD)
    I hope your April is gREAT!

    Gefällt 1 Person

    1. Aww I hate it when that happens. >_< I hope your library will open soon then! XD
      Marshmellows are always good. 😉 And YES I DID! It was super creepy and cold?! I'M NOT SAYING MORE BECAUSE I GET SCARED SHITLESS JUST THINKING ABOUT IT! *lool* I think your spiderman opinion makes a lot of sense! Zendaya is awesome! _<
      Thank you! Your questions were a lot of fun to answer! I hope you've an amazing April as well! 😀

      Gefällt 1 Person

      1. I looked at the website and it didn’t say anything about opening soon (very unfortunate) but I can manage?? Tho if this keeps up I might not be able to finish my goodreads goal so that fun?

        Gefällt 1 Person

    2. For some reason wordpress didn’t send this with my reply so here it is again:
      I guess it’s no Madame Tussauds for you then? *lol* For some reason I don’t mind wax figures as long as it’s day and thousands of tourists are around me. At night, though? AHHHH! I think I’d die if I’d have to be at Madame Tussauds at night. *lol*

      Gefällt 1 Person

  2. I definitely refer what you mean about a love/hate relationship with cliffhangers. I’m more than good with them if I have the next book in the series, haha! I have the same issue with reading slump. I do super good with not having them, but when I get one? It’s the worst. Thank you so much for the tag, and wonderful answers!

    Gefällt 1 Person

  3. Congratulations on your nomination and thanks so much for nominating me!! I don’t like dolls much either and that’s so cool that you’re a trained chef. Looking forward to answering these Qs they look fun!


  4. Great answers to hard questions Sassy. I too would have said negatary on my favorite pod cast, and get this – gasp – I don’t even know what a GIF is???? I enjoyed getting to know you better. you’re very creative and fun. Keep up the good words.

    Gefällt 1 Person

    1. Thank you, Lady! 😀 Some of them were really tough. XD I think if my besties wouldn’t always send me gifs I probably wouldn’t know them either. It are basically moving pictures that express an emotion or feeling?! Mostly known movies or series are used to make them. I hope that helps? Glad you enjoyed to read the answers! I’ll try my best! 😉


  5. I loved reading all your answers!
    Ugh, coffee has saved my blog ( and yes, homework and exams ) far more times then I’d like to admit!
    ❤ ❤
    – Emma 🙂

    Gefällt 1 Person

  6. i love and miss swimming too!! i’m not far from the ocean but beaches will probably be closed this summer 😦 hopefully we all make it through this safely and soon!!! thanks sm for the nomination!!!

    Gefällt 1 Person

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