Allgemein, Book Tags

The 20 Questions Book Tag // My Favorite Book, My Opinion On Cliffhangers, & More!

Hey there my lovelies!

Just when I thought: “Damn I’m running out of tags” my curse got heard and the lovely Brianna @ Brianna the Bookworm decided to tag me for this! *lol* So thank you! Not only for thinking of me but also for being able to read my thoughts! (Honestly, how did you do this? Are you psychic? *wriggles eyebrows*) Anyway…  I’m glad I was tagged for this and I’ll do my best to answer those questions! =) So here I go:

How many books are too many in a series?

That’s a tough first question. I guess it always depends on the author and the series. I mean there are 7 books of the “Throne of Glass” series and seven Harry Potter books and those series were amazing until the end. Then again I also read Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse series (13 books) and P.C Cast’s and Kristin Cast’s House of Night series (12 books) and they slowly lost my interest after the 9th book. So haha I guess it’s safe to say that 8 books is the moment where my attention span goes AWOL. *lol*

How do you feel about cliff-hangers?

I love to hate them. ;-P They make everything so much more interesting, but I’m dying about a thousand deaths when I have to wait for the next book. That’s exactly the reason why I like to buy entire series. Sometimes it’s unavoidable to wait though. I mean Cassandra Clare makes it impossible to wait for an entire series; you always want to read the next book! XD

Hardback or paperback?

Paperback. My shelves are full of paperback books and when I have the choice I always choose them. I think I like them more because they aren’t so heavy and bulky. Unfortunately they aren’t as resistant as hardbacks though. >_<

Favorite book?


I hate that question. *lol* I mean which true bookworm only has one fave book? I have so many favorite books I could probably fill an entire library with them, but if I have to choose I’ll always say: “The Picture of Dorian Gray”. I don’t know how often I already read this book but I love it! ❤ I recently did a reread and if anything my love for it became even stronger.

Least favorite book?

And here comes the moment when I say: “The Catcher in the Rye” and everybody is going to be like: “WHAT? *facepalm* But it’s a classic!” Yes, it is, but I still don’t like it. I read it as a teen and hated it. I tried to read it as an adult but realized I just couldn’t do it. Haha! I just really, really dislike this book and Holden! I can’t help it! It’s the way it is! I know many people love it and that’s okay for me, but I’ll never become a fan. *shrugs*

Love Triangle… Yes or No?


YES!!! If it’s well written! I love and adore “The Infernal Devices” love triangle Tessa/Will & Jem! They are everything and they love each other so fiercely! Also I’m a huge fan of the Christina/Mark & Kieran ship as well. Okay, I guess it’s safe to say that I love Cassandra Clare love triangles. *lol* Oh, wait I also love the “Wicked Lovely” Irial/Niall & Leslie love triangle and that’s a Melissa Marr series. Mhmm… I might be a sucker for love triangles in general after all. Haha!

The most recent book you couldn’t finish?

I always finish the books I start so I can only mention the last book that made it really tough for me to finish it and that would be “Genuine Fraud” by E. Lockhart. This book didn’t make any sense and I’m still wondering what I read. I really liked “We Were Liars” so this was pretty disappointing.

A book you’re currently reading?


A Court of Thorns and Roses! It’s a reread and I’m enjoying it even more than I did the first time around. There is so much foreboding in this book and it was totally lost on me when I read it for the first time! And damn I love Lucien!!! ❤ I need more page time for him! He’s the best! ❤

The last book you recommended to someone?

Illuminae! To my brother-in-law! He’s a huge sci-fi fan and I thought he might enjoy it which he actually did. *lol* At first he was like: It’s okay but not all that staggering and when he hit the halfway mark he was like: Damn that’s really good! Thank you for recommending it to me! XD

Oldest book you’ve read (based on publication date)?

Does the Bible count? I mean it’s undeniable that it’s very old and I read it so I suppose it would be the oldest book I’ve read. I read “The Nibelungen Lied” too but that’s not as old as the Bible.

Newest book you’ve read (based on publication date)?

Sarah J. Maas

The last recently published book I read was “Kingdom of Ash”. I bought so many other new releases but I still didn’t manage to get to them. I really need to get my reading groove on, but the adult life is hard and doesn’t offer all too many opportunities to sneak in a few pages. *lol*

Favorite author?

There are way too many to choose just one but I’ll list my all-time favourites: Maggie Stiefvater, Cassandra Clare, Sarah J. Maas and Leigh Bardugo. 😉 The concentrated woman power in literature! ;-P

Buying books or borrowing them?

Both! I always borrow books from the library but I buy the ones I know I’ll reread again. My book shelves are full of books I reread multiple times and it makes me very happy to look at them. =)

A book you dislike that everyone else loves?


That rarely happens but I recently read “Children of Blood and Bone” and even though I enjoyed the book, I still don’t get the hype. I mean it was a good read but damn did I have many issues with the insta-love and other topics. XD Everyone raves about it and I was like: Yes, it’s great but there’s really a lot of room for improvement. *lol*

Bookmarks or dog-ears?

BOOKMARKS!!! I could never dog-ear a book! The poor book, it deserves to be treated with respect! I love my books and it always hurts to see torn pages or dog-ears. T_T

A book you can reread over and over?


My first answer would be “The Picture of Dorian Gray” because honestly, I never picked up a book as often as this one, but I also reread the “Captive Prince” series more often than I can count. So I guess it’s a tie. xD

Can you read while listening to music?

Can I breathe while reading a book? *lol* Of course I can! I always listen to music and I’m always moving, so yes, I can read while listening to music. When you see me on my way back home, sitting in a train I’ll always read a book and wear my headphones. 😉

Multiple POVs or one POV?

Now that you ask me I can’t remember a lot of books with just one POV. I tend to read multiple POVs because it makes everything so much more interesting and gives you a good impression of the different characters. I suppose it depends on the book and the message the author wants to convey. So in general I read both but I seem to have a tendency toward multiple POVs.

Do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days on average?

I honestly can’t remember the last time I read a book in one sitting. *LOL* I think it must have been before I got my daughter. My little rascal always keeps me on my toes so I’m too busy to read a book in one sitting. It would be really nice to finish a book in one go though. Mhmm… maybe in like umm 15 years? When I start to get old and wrinkled. Haha!

Who do you tag?

I tag: Laura @ Laura Herondales’s Book BlogHamad @ The book prescriptionCaidyn @ BW ReviewsLisa @ I got lost in books and everyone else who wants to do this tag! XD

12 Gedanken zu „The 20 Questions Book Tag // My Favorite Book, My Opinion On Cliffhangers, & More!“

  1. Yay!! I’m so happy you did this and that I tagged you at the perfect time haha! I actually don’t like The Catcher in the Rye either… I was supposed to read it for school as a teen and I couldn’t finish it lol! And I totally agree, Cassie Clare writes the BEST love triangles. Great answers😃

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