Allgemein, Book Tags

The Book Snob Tag

Hey there, my lovelies!

My last tag has been a while agao and I thought why not go for another one. I was tagged for this by Hundreds & Thousands of Books about a year ago and decided to go for it now. *lol* My backlog of tags is massive as you can see, but better late than never, right? ;-P So this said: Thank you for tagging me for this fun tag! It’s definitely one I never did before. XD

FORMAT SNOB You can only choose 1 format in which to read books for the rest of your life. Which one do you choose: physical books, eBooks, or audiobooks?

Okay, I guess I’m outing myself as a format snob now because when it comes to books physical ones will always win. 😉 And to be even more snobbish: paperback copies. *lol* I’m not an all too huge fan of hardback copies so if I buy a book (which I rarely do because I’m usually borrowing them from my library) then I always buy paperbacks. I’ve read plenty of e-books on my e-reader too but it’s just not the same as paging through a book. Tell me I’m not alone with this! *lol*

ADAPTATION SNOB: Do you always read the book before watching the film/ TV show?

I really try my best to do that, but I’m not always succeeding. There were a couple of times I only watched the movie and never read the book, but you can count them on one hand. I think it’s really rare for me to read the book after watching the movie and this is mostly due to the fact that I only found out the movie was based on a book after watching the movie. If that makes sense? XD

SHIP SNOB Would you date or marry a non-reader?

I think I never dated a non-reader and I definitely married a reader so I guess that says enough? In my experience you have to have some common ground to make a relationship work and I probably could have never dated or married a non-reader because reading is such an integral part of my life it would be impossible not to talk about it. A non-reader would probably roll their eyes. My hubby, well, he rolls his eyes too because he reads in different genres than me, but at the end of the day he understands my enthusiasm for books because he enjoys reading them too. =)

GENRE SNOB You have to ditch one genre – never to be read again for the rest of your life. Which one do you ditch?

Religious/Spiritual books and biographies. Oh, that are actually two. Never mind! XD And to explain it: I respect everyone’s religion and in who or what they believe in but I don’t need to read books about it. Most of the religious/spiritual books I’ve read and seen have a patronizing angle or try to convert you and I just can’t with that. Also I’m very bad at reading biographies because I lose interest in them pretty fast. That genre just isn’t for me.

COMMUNITY SNOB Which genre do you think receives the most snobbery from the bookish community?

Haha! That’s a fun question. I personally think that it would be erotica. No matter if it’s f/m, m/m, f/f etc. it’s definitely a genre A LOT of people frown upon. Like decent people, read decent books and erotica is not decent. *lol* Believe me, I’ve been there, done that, got the freaking t-shirt. I really got a lot of shit for reading in that genre, but quite honestly I don’t care. I read what I want to read and if people don’t like that, it’s their problem not mine. ;-P

SNOBERY RECIPITENT Have you ever been snubbed for something that you have been reading or for reading in general?

There will always be people who wonder why you read so much and can’t understand your love for books, but I got used to it by now. If you’ve never been so hooked by a book that you read until the early morning hours you’re definitely missing out! XD It’s their loss though. And yes, as I mentioned earlier a lot of people snubbed me for reading erotica.

I Tag


This was a short and fun tag! I really liked that this was a little bit unusual and different. XD So what about you? Did you enjoy my answers? Do you agree on some of them or do you disagree? What is a genre you don’t read in very often?

Talk to me and let me know! 😉

And as always take care and stay healthy and safe!



The Sassy Library Fox

12 Gedanken zu „The Book Snob Tag“

  1. Thanks for the tag!! I’m thinking of the books I’ve read after movies and I think all of them were because I discovered the book through the movie too 🤔 I agree that erotica receives a lot of snobbery or at least it’s not taken seriously…how do people have all this energy to spend into hating something that doesn’t hurt them? If they have spare energy can they give me some 😂

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    1. You’re always welcome, Yoongi! 😉 Yeah! Sometimes I sat through the credits of a movie and then read that it’s based on a book. *lol* I don’t know why people have to spend so much time on hating something but I enjoy the genre of erotica very much so I don’t care. XD And SAME! *lol* I wish I’d have so much energy! They can give me theirs! At least it would be used for something positive then. 😉

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