Allgemein, Book Tags

My Good Reading Habits Tag

Hey there my lovelies! I was tagged for this by Caidyn and I’m glad he decided to let me do this tag too. So after he tagged me to talk about my bad reading habits I eventually got the chance to talk about my good reading habits as well. (Which is good, because it restored my faith in my own reading habits and made me realize that I actually do something right after all. *lol* 😛 )

The rules for this tag are pretty simple:

  • Pingback to Ally’s original post or her blog in general!
  • List some of your good reading habits, the things you think you do well
  • Nominate some of your blogging friends

So without further ado let’s get to the good stuff:


That’s certainly one of the things I’m really good at. *lol* No matter how long ago I read something, I still can remember the main plot and the names of the characters. For instance a few days ago my mom told me that she’s reading a romance book but that she doesn’t remember the name. I was like: “What characters is it about?” And she answered: “Oh, there’s a girl named Savannah.” So my brain somehow remembered that “Dear John” by Nicolas Sparks featured a character named like that and we had the title. XD Don’t ask me how I’m doing this, I wish I’d know it myself. I’m also good with birthdays, numbers, faces, names and I have a very good orientation and three-dimensional comprehension. Just in case you wondered. *lol* Too much information? Okay, let’s move on!


I’m totally with Caidyn when it comes to this. I mean I’m definitely a fantasy and YA fan but I’m always trying to broaden my horizon and read other genres as well. I think so far I’m doing a pretty good job of reading different genres in 2019. At least I already read 1 mystery and 1 science-fiction book. XD


I never dnfd a book. XD I know some of you will say: “WHAT? That’s a good thing?” And I’m telling you: Yes, I think it is, because I need to know how the book ends! Even if I loathe it with all my heart I’m still curious enough to want to know what happens next. (Do you know the saying “Curiosity killed the cat”? Well, I suppose that cat would be me. *lol*) But once I finished the book I can say that I really hated ALL of it and that I know what I’m talking about. Plus I think every author has a reason to write her/his book and there is always a lot of thought and creativity going into it. You might say that I have respect for the author and her/his work and therefore don’t dnf books even if I hate them. ;-P

(I kinda envy people who can dnf books though. *LOL*)


Maybe that’s also the reason why I never felt the need to dnf? I have no clue why I always seem to pick the right books, but for some reason it rarely happens that I give a book a two or three paws rating. I guess I’m just lucky?! *lol*


This was a very cool tag and I’m glad Ally invented it. It always helps to focus on the good things in life and this was perfect to remind me of the things I love about reading. I hope you enjoyed to read through my answers and I’m looking forward to read yours too! 😉

I tag:

Ashley @ Bubbly Booknerd,

Brianna @ Brianna the Bookworm

Miri @ The Book Dragoness

Serena @ Book Reviews by the Bloggisters

Uzma @littlethoughtsfromtornpages

15 Gedanken zu „My Good Reading Habits Tag“

  1. Yay! That sounds so fun! I haven’t done a tag in a while so I’ll definitely have to give it a try! Thanks for tagging me 🙂

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  2. What a happy tag!!! I can’t wait to do it! I love how much you can remember from books! I probably don’t remember quite as much as you (plots and such more than names—heck I’m lucky if I know the MC’s name by the time I finish!), but enough that I had never felt the need to reread a book before. Omg as a DNFer, I kinda envy your ability to finish a book you loathe! 😆 I have to ask though, do you go into a bookstore and read the first chapter before you decide to officially start a book? Sampling definitely doesn’t count as DNFing 😉

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    1. It really was! I enjoyed it immensely. 😀 I have a weird memory when it comes to people, lyrics, books and places. For some reason to remember those things was never a problem. When I was still going to school I always joked that I wish I’d remember my school subjects as clearly. *lol*
      To answer your question: No. I always buy the entire book and never read the first chapter. If I read anything it usually is the blurb on the book or reviews on goodreads. So far this always worked out for me. ;P

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    1. You’re very welcome! ❤ It was a lot of fun so thank you for creating it! 🙂

      I guess there are moments that stick with you. 😉 And I'm very glad I remember all those book so clearly, otherwise I'd probably always reread books I already read. *lol*

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  3. Apologies for this late response, but thank you so, so much for tagging me!! You have such good reading habits ahh I’m jealous! I used to remember books pretty well but lately I’ve been realizing I’ve forgotten a LOT from the books I read years ago😂 And wow that’s awesome you’ve never DNFed! I cannot say the same haha. Love this tag! Thanks again for including me ❤️

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    1. You’re welcome, Brianna and don’t worry! I know life can be busy sometimes. XD Well, I guess if you read many books it’s not easy to remember them all. 😉 I just can’t dnf. I even tried once but then I wanted to know how the book ends and finished it anyway. *lol*

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  4. I was going through all my unpublished comments and I realized you tagged me for this! So thank you so much! I’ll try my best to get around to it, but it might not…be for a…while. (I still haven’t done the Disney Princess tag yet! I need to do that!) Have a good day (or night) Virginia and thanks again!

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  5. This was so much fun to read!

    I’m with you in the not DNFing and picking books I like. For some reason, I’m really good at knowing what book I like, it happens rarely that I pick one up that I completely loathe. Luck? Maybe, I honestly don’t care as long as it keeps happening ;D
    And DNFing feels like you don’t give the book a real chance. Some books are really slow and boring at the beginning but pick up around the end, enough that I don’t hate them. Or maybe they don’t, but there something at the end that makes it worth reading. In my most humble opinion, if you DNF a book, you’re not giving it a fair chance. Not that it’s bad, or anything, that’s just how I feel.

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    1. Haha! I totally agree! I’m just happy that I seem to pick the right books. 😉 I guess I feel the same way about dnfing a book. I mean every author has a reason why she/he writes a book and if I would dnf it without reading the rest I’ll never know. XD I’m okay with other people dnfing books but I know I could never do it. *lol*


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